Last updated on: 3/6/2024 | Author:

Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal?

Recreational marijuana, also known as adult-use marijuana, was first legalized in Colorado and Washington in 2012. Marijuana legalization refers to the practice of allowing and regulating the production, distribution, sale, and possession of cannabis so that marijuana use within the established rules is no longer a crime. There are different models of legalization, including allowing people to grow their own marijuana, nonprofit co-ops, and for-profit commercialization with retail sales. Recreational marijuana is legal in 23 states and Washington, D.C., but remains illegal at the federal level and in 27 states. For more on recreational marijuana, explore the ProCon debate.

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Joe Biden:

“I think states should be able to make a judgment to legalize [recreational] marijuana, I think that’s okay. But let me tell you, the truth of the matter is there’s not nearly been enough evidence acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug. It’s a debate. Before I legalize it nationally, I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”

Editors’ Note: Biden is in favor of decriminalization and pardoned those with simple possession federal marijuana convictions.


Rebecca Falconer, “Biden: There’s No Proof Marijuana Isn’t a Gateway Drug,”, Nov. 17, 2019

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

“I will decriminalize cannabis at the federal level. Current situation with contradictory state + federal laws is absurd. States should be able to decide without federal interference.”

Editors’ Note: Decriminalization removes criminal penalties but does not legalize marijuana.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,, June 25, 2023

Donald Trump:

“I mean, you see the same studies. It’s [marijuana] not helping people. I mean, studies are saying that it does damage. It does significant damage—and yet, from a voting standpoint, it’s a pretty popular thing. Canada has gone all that way [with legalization], and other countries have gone all that way. Some countries won’t do it. But I am going to take a look at some final results. But indications are that is not exactly helpful.”


Kyle Jaeger, “Trump Admits Marijuana Is a ‘Pretty Popular Thing’ Even as He Argues It ‘Does Damage,’”, May 1, 2023